Blog about self development and self & team leadership
Light snippets of thoughts for July
It is worhwhile to stop often, really listen, pay attention and to start wondering about everything in and about you, about life and about your surroundings. Sometimes, perhaps even today or this summer, you can listen more closely and try to understand what your heart is whispering to you. Sonia [...]
Why leadership is about making others better?
Why leadership is not only about personal achievement, not about climbing the corporate ladder, not a way of showing how significant or important you are, not showing who can talk and not showing who has the right to give orders and the right to make decisions?
What is coaching?
Coaching is a process in which the coach guides the coachee based on their trust in the approach they believe is right for the given situation and conversations. In the process the coach supports the coachee to have their a-has to figure out the next right action of integrity for [...]
Genuinely Unfinished
Lately, and especially after numerous life changes and the different coaching and trainer's studies, I've been contemplating the painful yet sweet imperfections and mediocrity of life and humanity. Perhaps this contemplation is also tied to my own reflections on middle age. This "late" middle age feels like never-ending being in-between, [...]
New Research Suggests An Alarming Decline in High-Quality Leaders
Sharing some of the highlights of the recent trends found by DDI's (Development Dimensions International, Inc) annual Global Leadership Forecast for 2023. The attached article, written by Leadership Strategist and Author Dan Pontefract, was published in Forbes in Feb. 2023. This is the World's largest leadership trend study with more [...]