Light snippets of thoughts for July

Sometimes it’s time to put yourself and your wishes first

It is worhwhile to stop often, really listen, pay attention and to start wondering about everything in and about you, about life and about your surroundings.

Sometimes, perhaps even today or this summer, you can listen more closely and try to understand what your heart is whispering to you.

Sonia Choquette, who is the Queen of Intuition Spiritual Teacher and Mentor, teaches a lot about those powerful steps towards to our Sixth Sense superpower and she asks us to start wondering and imagining!

Sonia C. says:

“Wonder is the front door to imagination.”

“Imagination is the front door to intuition.”

Orange tree in Menton, France.

I believe that becoming more aware and intuitive – and choosing to listen to our internal compass, our intuition – is the way to happiness.

And also, letting go of the need to be right and letting go of the need to control people around us.

Below there’s another fruit for thought for your summer from Seth Godin.

Seth Godin suggests the following in his book The Practice:

 “62. And Maybe You’re Trying to Do Two Things at Once

The first thing is making exactly what you want, for you.

And the second thing is making something for those you seek to connect and change.

Pursuing either is fine. Pursuing both is a recipe for unhappiness, because what you’re actually doing is insisting that other people want what you want and see what you see.

Most of us would like that – we might even deserve it after all the work we invest – but that doesn’t mean it’s likely to happen.”

Wishing you some new insights about yourself and some magic to your summer!

Plage du Marché, Menton, France.